

Hello there! My name is Ebru Ergen. I’m an avid home cook, writer and photographer.

I grew up eating home made food as my mother was an incredible self-taught home cook. I would often watch her making some of the most delicious dishes that were far better than anything I would eat at restaurants. When she passed away suddenly in 2003, my world turned upside down and I felt lost. I had realised that I didn’t write down any of her recipes (why would I when I believed that she would live forever?), so I had to rely on my memory to re-create some of her dishes.

My mother was the one who told me about Nigella Lawson, the famous home cook. How to be a Domestic Goddess, was the first cookbook I’ve ever bought and fell in love with. Since my mother’s passing, I have amassed a huge collection of cookbooks as I wanted to learn and make new recipes.

I am ashamed that most of the cookbooks I own are in pristine collection (i.e. unused) which would upset any cookbook author. I created Biblio Kitchen not only to make and write about the recipes from my favourite cookbooks but also share my mother’s recipes and the ones inspired from my travels.

I have also created this blog to improve my health and become more flexitarian as I want to eat more fruit and vegetables while cutting down on meat. However, I will share some treats as well because life is all about balance!

Please feel free to comment on my blog, share your recipes and your favourite cookbooks. Let’s build a community together!