

Welcome to my blog. I'm Ebru, an avid home cook who loves writing about food. Here I share recipes from my cookbook library and many more!

Apple Crumble Yogurt Bowl

Apple Crumble Yogurt Bowl


Over the last twenty years, there have been many times when I felt guilty about the food I’ve eaten. When I say many times, I mean on a daily basis. Nicola Jane Hobbs is a nutritionist and Intuitive Eating Counsellor who recently published her new book, Fear-Free Food ( 2018, published by Green Tree). Her message is to get rid of our anxiety and guilt and make peace with food. She doesn’t believe in dieting, ‘eating clean’ or banning entire food groups. Instead, her philosophy is about ‘loving and respecting your body enough to make food choices that nourish you and leave you feeling healthy and energised’. Nicola is quite frank about her own struggles with food and explains how she overcame it and you’ll find plenty of great advice and great recipes in this book.

I made her apple crumble when I was craving something sweet and what is great about her recipes is that they are easy to make.


Serves 2

For the caramelised apples

  • 2 small apples, cored and diced

  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp maple syrup

For the yogurt bowl

  • 400g Greek yogurt (or non-dairy yogurt)

  • 60g granola or oats ( here I used oats)

  • 20g chopped walnuts

  • 0-2 tsp honey, to taste

Put the diced apples, cinnamon and maple syrup in a small pan with 120ml of water. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer for about 5 minutes until the water is reduced and the apples are sticky and golden.

Take two bowls and put yogurt in each of them and top with the oats (or granola) and walnuts. Spoon over the caramelised apples. You can drizzle with honey if you wish, but I didn’t as maple syrup is sweet enough for me. Instead I added some more walnuts and oats.

Ginger Carrot Soup

Ginger Carrot Soup

Green Kitchen’s Green Pea, Broccoli and Mint Soup

Green Kitchen’s Green Pea, Broccoli and Mint Soup